Winner of the Tour de Indonesia Polygon Sweet Nice certainly did not come down with full force when he joined the Tour de Singkarak, June 6 to 12. There are at least three drivers that are determined to absent for different reasons. Mat Noor is still in the healing process after an accident when he joined the Bank Kalbar kejurnas. While the two other drivers, Day Fitrianto and Patria Rastra concentration in national training center. Even one day become the backbone of the Tour de Singkarak pelatnas in this third year.
Director of Polygon Sweet Nice Harijanto Tjondrokusumo, Wednesday (25 / 5) say, the composition of his team hard enough to meet this year's Tour de Singkarak. It's tough losing three main drivers. In addition to having high-flying hours, all three have enough experience, "he said when met at the office yesterday afternoon KONI East Java. Instead, Polygon Sweet Nice carrying two young drivers Danielle Lesmana and Bambang Suryadi. Both are relatively young, new and even enter the senior level. This transition is recognized Harijanto heavy enough for both drivers. The average age of the transition period to determine the future of career drivers.
Before you follow the Tour de Singkarak this year, both have been following the series of races. Two of them were the international races in Malaysia and Roaming 2.2 grade Tour de Taiwan. In both these races differ both reap the rewards. "Bambang successfully passed two races, although not fully maximized. While Dani did not finish in the Tour de Taiwan and in Malaysia is also not optimal, "he explained in a release received JAKARTA, Wednesday (24/05/2011) Bambang and Dani is plotted as a climber to replace the vacancy left Fitrianto Day. It's not light work for both of them to replace the role as a climber. Moreover races this Tour de Singkarak melombakan more incline than flat terrain.  Not to mention facing the opponent is full of experience. Call it Ghader Mizbani (Iran), Eugene Wacker (Kyrgistan), David McCann (Ireland), Jai Crawford (Australia), Tjarco Cuppens (Netherlands), Amir Zargari and a number of other national drivers.
"Indeed, Bambang and Dani can master a number of national races. But Tour de Singkarak different atmosphere. This is the trouble, "said businessman food. Harijanto have confirmed they will cover three main drivers, Sergey Kudentsov, Jimmy Pranata, and Herwin Jaya.

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