Indonesian Bikers will join in TOUR DE SINGKARAK Event

Indonesian Bikers Prima Warseno going back to strengthen his club, Tirta Cycling Team (TCT) Solo in the Tour de Singkarak 2011 in West Sumatra, June 6 to 12 next. Athletes from Karanganyar was planning to return to the City Bengawan, Saturday (28 / 5) to further join in the preparatory exercises with other TCT crew. "The crew lowered Pelatnas turns into a few events. At the Tour de Singkarak Pelatnas I did not depart, because previously been deployed to a bicycle race in West Kalimantan. So I can defend TCT later," said Warseno, Wednesday (25 / 5).
He revealed, Pelatnas Prima will lose ten people who are divided into two teams in Singkarak. The other athletes who do not enter these two teams, allowed to join the club each collided racing to participate in that arena. "So the same, our progress on the tour will still be monitored Pelatnas coaches," added the 25-year-old athlete. TCT Coach Solo Agus Sadiyanto adding, merging back Warseno will add strength to his team. Now there are four drivers who have dibesutnya Bengwan city and prepared to fight in a tour of the total travel distance was 760 km. They are Yuli Haryanto, Galina Ward, Jonata dust pan and Henry Santoso. "When Customs Cycling Competition (LCC) series I in Waterford, 13-15 May, verbally I really have to talk to the coach Pelatnas Warseno Prima to borrow in order to defend the club in the Tour de Singkarak later," he said.
Tour is divided into seven stages is one of the bike race is quite prestigious in the country. Arena racing calendar that has entered the Big Board (PB) Institute of Sport Bike Indonesia (ISSI) was more rolling route (wavy) and climbs. So the drivers TCT training programs tailored to the race route and schedule. Special ascent route, the crew team Bengawan City forged in an intensive program three times a week through various routes in and intervene slopes of Mount Merapi-Merbabu Lawu

Committee ready to open Tour De Singkarak 2011

West Sumatra Province in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (Kemenbudpar), expressed readiness to hold the Tour De Singkarak 2011. Local governments also appreciate the west of Sumatra and is ready to give full moral and material mat International class bike racing, as announced by the Governor of West Sumatra Irwan Prayitno in a Press Conference that was held in Gedung Sapta Enchantment, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
Tour itself contains seven stage across diverse cultures and natural beauty in 12 regencies / cities in West Sumatra. In this event, will present 15 international teams and 10 national teams which will represent Indonesia, where teams from Indonesia is the 10th best team on the mat Speedy Tour de Indonesia. PB.ISSI also stated its readiness to handle technical matters in organizing this event, and has been holding the ASO (Amaury Sport Organization) held Experienced Tour De France and Paris Dakkar rally. "By inviting the best 10 teams from Indonesia, we hope that Indonesia can talk a lot on this show, and compete with teams from outside," said Head of Foreign Affairs of Eva Catharina PB ISSI in Jakarta on Monday (2/28/2011).
DG Marketing Kemenbudpar, Sapta Nirwandar also said that with the implementation of this event is expected to provide a positive impact on world tourism in Indonesia, particularly West Sumatra, who had recovered from the Earthquake. Besides increasing the level of national bicycle racing, it also can pump West Sumatra became the object of national and international tourist destination.


Winner of the Tour de Indonesia Polygon Sweet Nice certainly did not come down with full force when he joined the Tour de Singkarak, June 6 to 12. There are at least three drivers that are determined to absent for different reasons. Mat Noor is still in the healing process after an accident when he joined the Bank Kalbar kejurnas. While the two other drivers, Day Fitrianto and Patria Rastra concentration in national training center. Even one day become the backbone of the Tour de Singkarak pelatnas in this third year.
Director of Polygon Sweet Nice Harijanto Tjondrokusumo, Wednesday (25 / 5) say, the composition of his team hard enough to meet this year's Tour de Singkarak. It's tough losing three main drivers. In addition to having high-flying hours, all three have enough experience, "he said when met at the office yesterday afternoon KONI East Java. Instead, Polygon Sweet Nice carrying two young drivers Danielle Lesmana and Bambang Suryadi. Both are relatively young, new and even enter the senior level. This transition is recognized Harijanto heavy enough for both drivers. The average age of the transition period to determine the future of career drivers.
Before you follow the Tour de Singkarak this year, both have been following the series of races. Two of them were the international races in Malaysia and Roaming 2.2 grade Tour de Taiwan. In both these races differ both reap the rewards. "Bambang successfully passed two races, although not fully maximized. While Dani did not finish in the Tour de Taiwan and in Malaysia is also not optimal, "he explained in a release received JAKARTA, Wednesday (24/05/2011) Bambang and Dani is plotted as a climber to replace the vacancy left Fitrianto Day. It's not light work for both of them to replace the role as a climber. Moreover races this Tour de Singkarak melombakan more incline than flat terrain.  Not to mention facing the opponent is full of experience. Call it Ghader Mizbani (Iran), Eugene Wacker (Kyrgistan), David McCann (Ireland), Jai Crawford (Australia), Tjarco Cuppens (Netherlands), Amir Zargari and a number of other national drivers.
"Indeed, Bambang and Dani can master a number of national races. But Tour de Singkarak different atmosphere. This is the trouble, "said businessman food. Harijanto have confirmed they will cover three main drivers, Sergey Kudentsov, Jimmy Pranata, and Herwin Jaya.


Tour de Singkarak be in its starting June 2011 ( app 6 – 2 June 2011 ). This competition was followed by the 225 riders from 10 teams in the country and 15 overseas teams of this competition will be as many as seven stages.
The details are as follows Stage, Stage Details are as follows. Padang Stage I, Stage II, Padang - Pariaman, Stage III Pariaman - Bukittinggi, Bukittinggi Stage IV - Payakumbuh, Stage V Payakumbuh - Sawahlunto, Stage VIA Sawahlunto - Pagaruyung, VIB Pagaruyung Stage - Stage VII Padangpanjang and Padang Panjang - Lake Batur. Several new attractions will be part of the race track path including Harau Valley.  Singkarak is a city in western Sumatra, Indonesia. This year is the third year the championship was held and has become an annual event union cycliste Internationale (UCI). Indonesia formed a partnership with the Amaury Sport Organization (ASO) of France to improve the quality of competition cycling tour de Singkarak 2011.
ASO is a leading sports organizers who have long experience in organizing the Tour de France, Paris Dakkar rally and the Paris Marathon. ASO believes that the quality of tour de Singkarak very likely to be upgraded to class sporting event tour de france.


In this time, the Tour de Singkarak entering the third year that the championship has officially become an annual agenda of the Union Cycliste Internationale event (UCI). And this time, the Tour de Singkarak 2011, the UCI Tour de Singkarak set this year will be held on December 6 to 12 June 2011.
The competition was followed by the 225 riders, which consists of 10 teams in the country as well as 15 teams coming from abroad by taking the seventh stage. Every stage of his will through a variety of natural beauty and culture in 12 districts in West Sumatra with a total distance of 813 kilometers. Indeed, this year the number of stage further than previous years. Because of last year's Tour de Singkarak total mileage is only 551 kilometers.
For details of the Stage of Tour de Singkarak 2011 is as follows:
Stage I: Padang
Stage II: Padang - Pariaman
Stage III: Pariaman - Bukittinggi
Stage IV: Bukittinggi - Payakumbuh
Stage V: Payakumbuh - Sawahlunto
Stage VIA: Sawahlunto - Pagaruyung
Stage VIB: Pagaruyung - Padang Panjang
Stage VII: Padang Panjang - Lake Batur


Tour de Singkarak which will take place in West Sumatera (Sumatra) in 6 to 12 June 2011 will be followed by 15 teams from around the world. The number of participating teams has seen an increase compared to last year. "The participants rather than down, now has increased. His team was getting big, mean world beliefs to the larger West Sumatra," said Director of Marketing Kembudpar Sapta Nirwandar at the launch of the Tour de Singkarak (TDS) 2011 in Hall Soesilo Sudarman, Gedung Sapta Enchantment, Jakarta Friday (05/20/2011).

The first year of operation of TDS is in 2009, participants who are 15 teams participating. But in 2010, the number of participants experienced a decrease of 12 teams participating. According to Seven, the decline occurred because of the tsunami disaster Mentawai. Of the 15 teams that will compete in the 2011 TDS consists of 234 people who will ride through the 12 districts for 10 days. They come from Japan, China, Iran, Indonesia, Philippines, Australia, Malaysia, Netherlands, UK, Taiwan, New Zealand, Ireland, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, and Spain. Indonesia will reduce the 11 national teams from Sidoarjo, Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Malang, Solo, Cirebon, Jakarta, West Sumatra Province ISSI, and Pelatnas SEA Games. "Of the 234 people who came not including coaches, assistants, and cheerleaders. If multiplied by two only had 500 more," Sapta said.
This indicates Sumatra should be ready to receive the arrival of foreign tourists in large numbers at the same time. "This is a revival of tourism in Indonesia, particularly West Sumatra. Tour de Singkarak is sport tourism, international-based tourism," he said. Participants time through each stage will get to experience the natural beauty of West Sumatra, cultural, or culinary typical Minang. Meanwhile, Culture and Tourism Jero Wacik said the initial idea is how to display Sumbar TDS as a whole to the world.

TDS is an international class event that will be covered by national and foreign media. Implementation is also working with ordinary AS0 handle world class tournaments such as the Tour de France. TDS 2011 will melombakan seven stages with a total distance of 739.3 km. Districts and cities involved, among others, Padang City Administration, City of Pariaman, Padang Pariaman district, Agam District, City of Bukittinggi, Sawahlunto City, Solok District, Solok City, Payakumbuh, Padang Panjang, Tanah Datar, and Fiftieth District Municipality.
TDS 2011 was launched by the Culture and Tourism Jero Wacik, Governor of West Sumatra Irwan Prayitno, and director general of marketing Sapta Nirwandar. Also present at the launch, the regent and deputy regent of each district and the city involved

Opening of Tour De Singkarak 2011

Tour de Singkarak 2011 has been prepared to be held in West Sumatra on June 6 to 12 next. Implementation of the Tour de Singkarak 2011, this year for the third time will be followed by 234 cyclists from 15 teams (countries)
Tour de Singkarak 2011 will take seventh overall stage race is 739.3 km through 12 districts / cities in West Sumatra. Padang which 7th Stage (Stage 1), Padang-Sicincin-Pariaman (Stage 2), Pariaman-Bukittinggi (Stage 3), Bukittinggi-Valley Harau (Stage 4), Payakumbuh-Sawahlunto (Stage 5), Sawahlunto Basa-Palace Pagaruyung (Stage 6A), Istana Basa Pagaruyung-Padang Panjang (Stage 6B), Padang Panjang, Twin Lakes (Stage 7A), and Twin Lakes-Lake Batur (Stage 7B).
The event has become an annual agenda UCI (Union Cycliste Internationale) is in addition etapenya longer, the total prizes up for grabs also greater namely Rp750 million. Implementation of international sport tourism is supported by the Amaury Sport Organizations (ASO), organizers of the Tour de France, bike racing world's largest international.


A total of 225 riders from outside and within the country will be racing in the Tour de Singkarak (TDS) 2011, which will be held June 6-12, 2011. Head of Culture and Tourism (Disbudpar) West Sumatra, Padang Burhasman Bur on Friday, say, 225 riders were part of the 15 teams from abroad and 10 teams from Indonesia.  He said for foreign teams who have confirmed participated in this third TDS namely, Malaysia, Japan, Australia, Netherlands, Taiwan, Chinese Taipei, Philippines, and Iran. As for the team in the country comes from the team Araya Indonesia, Customs Cycling Club, Polygon Sweet Nice, Son Struggle, Tirta Cycling Team, the BBC Pessel, United Bike Kencana, Jakarta Nugens ISSI, ISSI Pengprov Sumatra, President Prima and Prima Muda Indonesia.
Furthermore Burhasman said, compared with the implementation of the TDS 2009 and 2010, TDS 2011 in addition to more participants also route is also much that is 760.3 kilometers long. In addition, he said, it's TDS 2011 through 12 of 19 districts / cities in West Sumatra. He said of the 12 regions are the five areas are the districts, District of Padang Pariaman, Agam regency, regency of Solok, Tanah Datar District, and District 50 City. As for the seven who passed the city of Padang, Pariaman City, City of Bukittinggi, Sawahlunto, Solok City, Town Payokumbuh, and Padang Panjang.

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