Twice held, Tour de Singkarak in the realm of Minangkabau, West Sumatra, apparently attracted the attention of Amaury Sport Organization, or ASO. General Manager of ASO Baptiste Kern, Thursday (28/10/2010), met the Minister of Culture and Tourism, represented by the Director of the Directorate General of Marketing Promotion Facility Esthy Reko Astuti, to explore cooperation. In fact, Baptiste also visited a route that bypassed the bike rider in the Tour de Singkarak the event. ASO Tour de Singkarak aiming to encourage the acceleration of the Tour de Singkarak 2011 campaign to become a much bigger performance in the eyes of the world. "Later, in stages, Tour de Singkarak will be able to be aligned and of the Tour de France," said Baptiste Kern. During this time, the ASO assessed successfully brought the Tour de France, Paris-Dakar Rally, and Paris Marathun, as an international sport that can attract many tourists to visit the host country.
According to Kern, the Tour de Singkarak hoped would become a major bicycle match international scale to promote culture and destinations are rich with natural beauty in the context of development and achievement of targets of Indonesian tourism. Esthy Reko Astuti said, exploratory ASO will be followed up immediately in a memorandum of understanding (MoU). ASO's desire to raise the annual Tour de Singkarak performance in line with the wishes of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of RI, even the West Sumatra provincial government, who want a tourism industry once the economy rose to awaken the people. "In fact it is also the Executive Board of the ISSI desire to encourage and further promote cycling in Indonesia, while lifting the tourism and the image of Indonesia in the world," he said.
Esthy explained, the Tour de Singkarak should proceed further to make more than just world-class sporting performances, but as a means to support sport tourism that can increase tourist arrivals and tourist archipelago and expand the development of tourism in other Indonesian destinations. Working together with the ASO, said Director General of Marketing Promotion Facility Ministry of Culture and Tourism was, considered to be very strategic considering the ASO has a long list of successful performances in supporting world-class sport. Hopefully, we can maximally utilize its expertise to support the achievement of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of raising the Tour de Singkarak as a sports tourism. It has also become an effort to promote a destination that is rich in art, culture, and so forth.
Sondi of PB ISSI said, the Tour de Singkarak not chase the target number of participating countries, but what about performance racing bikes are known the world for its quality. Participants natural admiration of West Sumatra along the route impassable. "Curved 44 for participants of the Tour de Singkarak very unique and challenging.'s Just the problem, inadequate lodging. The government of West Sumatra Province need to prepare a hotel that allows participants to stay in comfort," he said. According Sondi, there may be additional routes on the Tour de Singkarak 2011 to Lintau, Tanahdatar District. This will be discussed further. ASO also will concentrate on professional cycling teams invited to participate in the famous Tour de Singkarak 2011. As an international scale performance, the Tour de Singkarak expected to bring the mission of marketing a tourist area of Indonesia in the eyes of the world.


Success of the Tour de Singkarak I, then by 2010 it will be held again Tour de Singkarak II with various improvements here and there. Iven is also intended as a recovery of tourism that had devastated Sumatra after the devastating earthquake last September 2009, prepared better. Improvements made in the Tour de Singkarak this is the addition of Stage II and greater prize. If the Tour de Singkarak first 2009 and then followed by 15 countries with the distance 458 km is divided into five stages, lasted for seven days with a total prize of USD 600 million. While in 2010 increased to 700-750 km, divided into seven stages with a total prize of USD 750 million. In terms of number of participants in 2010 Tour de Singkarak targeted to be followed by at least 25 countries including Iran, Spain, South Korea, Malaysia, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, United States, Germany, and Kuwait. Meanwhile, host Indonesia will lose at least 10 best team to join the fight.
Unlike the event the Tour de Singkarak I-2009 the overall cost of implementation is borne by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the championship cycling team the second time the budget is also strengthened by the provincial budget and the city / county, whose land is traversed by the participants. This because each area is included in the route has a significant role in introducing the region. There are 8 districts and cities including the Tour de Singkarak this route, and the entire head area and are ready to equate iven the success of this vision. Scenario, will each region through which will prepare a variety of cultural arts that are specifically presented to the entire contingent. Including culinary tourism and resort facilities are rich with nuance Minangkabau

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